
Restaurant of contemporary domestic cuisine! Bermet chateau, nettle pesto, bushmeat from Stara Planina and a whole range of gastronomic experiences under the direction of experienced restaurateurs.
Work hours:
Monday - Tuesday 10 am - 10 pm
Wednesday - Saturday 10 - 01h
Sunday: 10 a.m. - 11 p.m
069 444 2233
The spirit of old Belgrade taverns, with local cuisine interpreted in a modern way. After the success of the restaurants Mala Kolubara and Kolubara on the river, the leading restaurant of this gastronomic triangle - Kolubara - is coming to Gastroshore!
We knew from the beggining that we wanted a national restaurant in our shore. But we also knew that we didn't want it to be just any kind of restaurant, nor an attempt to make the national cuisine into something that it is not, something only appealing to cosmopolitans, among whom we belong to. And that's why we appreciate authenticity, whether it's a cafe in Lisbon or Belgrade.
Kolubara tends to modernize traditional Serbian dishes with even older, local ingredients, as opposed to the many international ones that have crept into the standard of the bar today, paradoxically making it less authentic. So, in this restaurant you can try nettle pesto and pumpkin butter, as our great grandmothers used to make, but also the charming Šumadija response to Italian caprese. Plus, as a further departure from the pub standard, there are incomparably more creative desserts like warm apple pie or homemade cheesecake with blueberry sauce.